The Spotters

Herber Almiro

Dennis Corpuz

In Anilao, the supervision is very special. The guides are there to "spotted" and not to guided or take care about your dive skills.
The guides are scouts. Their experience allows them to find you the maximum number of subjects to photograph.
The guides are enthusiastic and often "pull themselves out" to find the most incredible "baby".
Diver or photographer, you are supposed to be an experienced diver who does not need anyone to manage your air consumption or your safety, it is the role of your buddy.
Anilao is also a very frequented spot for professional underwater photographers from all over the world. the images “ shooted ” in these waters that they can participate in international photo competitions in the Macro category successfully.
The dives in Anilao depend a lot on your guide. But Anilao is so rich that you must have serious curiosity to look for the "critters" on your own. It is above all a destination reserved for photographers and organic enthusiasts.
The three spotter-photographers that we present to you on this page are among the most famous in Mabini. Herbert, Dennis and Peri work at 3 well-known resorts.